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Room: 9.348
- Friedrichs, N., Shokouhi, D., Heyer, A.G.: Flux Calculation for Primary Metabolism Reveals Changes in Allocation of Nitrogen to Different Amino Acid Families When Photorespiratory Activity Changes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 25, (2024).
- Kraemer, K., Kepp, G., Brock, J., Stutz, S., Heyer, A.G.: Acclimation to elevated CO2 affects the C/N balance by reducing de novo N-assimilation. Physiologia Plantarum. 174, e13615 (2022).
- Hoermiller, I.I., Funck, D., Schönewolf, L., May, H., Heyer, A.G.: Cytosolic proline is required for basal freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell & Environment. (2022).
- Kraemer, K., Brock, J., Heyer, A.G.: Interaction of Nitrate Assimilation and Photorespiration at Elevated CO2. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13, (2022).
- Roth-Nebelsick, A., Thiv, M., Malkowsky, Y., Schott, R., Heyer, A.: Structure and functional anatomy of the gas exchange apparatus of leafless orchids: evidence for a control mechanism? Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. (2021).
- Helisch, H., Keppler, J., Detrell, G., Belz, S., Ewald, R., Fasoulas, S., Heyer, A.G.: High density long-term cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris SAG 211-12 in a novel microgravity-capable membrane raceway photobioreactor for future bioregenerative life support in SPACE. Life Sciences in Space Research. 24, 91–107 (2020).
- Krämer, K., Krämer, J., Heyer, A.: paropt: Parameter Optimizing of ODE-Systems. University of Stuttgart, University of Stuttgart, Institute of Biomaterials and Biomolecular Systems (2020).
- Hell, A.F., Kretzschmar, F.S., Simões, K., Heyer, A.G., Barbedo, C.J., Braga, M.R., Centeno, D.C.: Metabolic Changes on the Acquisition of Desiccation Tolerance in Seeds of the Brazilian Native Tree Erythrina speciosa. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10, 1356 (2019).
- Küstner, L., Fürtauer, L., Weckwerth, W., Nägele, T., Heyer, A.G.: Subcellular dynamics of proteins and metabolites under abiotic stress reveal deferred response of the Arabidopsis thaliana hexokinase‐1 mutant gin2‐1 to high light. Plant Journal. 100, 456–472 (2019).
- Fürtauer, L., Küstner, L., Weckwerth, W., Heyer, A.G., Nägele, T.: Resolving subcellular plant metabolism. Plant Journal. 100, 438–455 (2019).
- Küstner, L., Nägele, T., Heyer, A.G.: Mathematical modeling of diurnal patterns of carbon allocation to shoot and root in Arabidopsis thaliana. npj Systems Biology and Applications. 5, 4-- (2019).
- Mishra, K.B., Mishra, A., Kubásek, J., Urban, O., Heyer, A.G., Govindjee: Low temperature induced modulation of photosynthetic induction in non-acclimated and cold-acclimated Arabidopsis thaliana: chlorophyll a fluorescence and gas-exchange measurements. Photosynthesis Research. (2018).
- Birami, B., Gattmann, M., Heyer, A.G., Grote, R., Arneth, A., Ruehr, N.: Heat waves alter carbon allocation and increase mortality of Aleppo pine under dry conditions. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 1, 8 (2018). 10.3389/ffgc.2018.00008.
- Hoermiller, I.I., Ruschhaupt, M., Heyer, A.G.: Mechanisms of frost resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta. 248, 827–835 (2018).
- Brauner, K., Birami, B., Brauner, H.A., Heyer, A.G.: Diurnal periodicity of assimilate transport shapes resource allocation and whole-plant carbon balance. The Plant Journal. 94, 776–789 (2018).
- Hoermiller, I.I., Naegele, T., Augustin, H., Stutz, S., Weckwerth, W., Heyer, A.G.: Subcellular reprogramming of metabolism during cold acclimation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Environ. 40, 602–610 (2017).
- Brauner, K., Stutz, S., Paul, M., Heyer, A.G.: Measuring whole plant CO2 exchange with the environment reveals opposing effects of the gin2–1 mutation in shoots and roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Signaling Behav. 10, e973822 (2015).
- Nissen, M., Shcherbakov, D., Heyer, A., Brümmer, F., Schill, R.O.: Behaviour of the plathelminth Symsagittifera roscoffensis under different light conditions and the consequences for the symbiotic algae Tetraselmis convolutae. Journal of Experimental Biology. 218, 1693--1698 (2015).
- Xu, E., Vaathera, L., Hörak, H., Hincha, D.K., Heyer, A.G., Brosche, M.: Quantitative trait loci mapping and transcriptome analysis reveal candidate genes regulating the response to ozone in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant, Cell & Environment. 38, 1418–1433 (2015).
- Mishra, A., Heyer, A., Mishra, K.: Chlorophyll fluorescence emission can screen cold tolerance of cold acclimated Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. Plant Methods. 10, 38 (2014).
- Do, P.T., Drechsel, O., Heyer, A.G., Hincha, D.K., Zuther, E.: Changes in free polyamine levels, expression of polyamine biosynthesis genes, and performance of rice cultivars under salt stress: a comparison with responses to drought. Frontiers in Plant Science. 5, (2014).
- Brauner, K., Hörmiller, I., Nägele, T., Heyer, A.G.: Exaggerated root respiration accounts for growth retardation in a starchless mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 79, 82--91 (2014).
- Meissner, M., Orsini, E., Ruschhaupt, M., Melchinger, A.E., Hincha, D.K., Heyer, A.G.: Mapping quantitative trait loci for freezing tolerance in a recombinant inbred line population of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions Tenela and C24 reveals REVEILLE1 as negative regulator of cold acclimation. Plant Cell Environ. 36, 1256–1267 (2013).
- Do, P.T., Degenkolbe, T., Erban, A., Heyer, A.G., Kopka, J., Köhl, K.I., Hincha, D.K., Zuther, E.: Dissecting Rice Polyamine Metabolism under Controlled Long-Term Drought Stress. PLOS ONE. 8, 1–14 (2013).
- Distelbarth, H., Nägele, T., Heyer, A.: Responses of antioxidant enzymes to cold and highlight are not correlated to freezing tolerance in natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Biol. 15, 982--990 (2013).
- Nägele, T., Heyer, A.G.: Approximating subcellular organisation of carbohydrate metabolism during cold acclimation in different natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytol. 198, 777--787 (2013).
- Nägele, T., Stutz, S., Hörmiller, I.I., Heyer, A.G.: Identification of a metabolic bottleneck for cold acclimation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J. 72, 102–114 (2012).
- Hengherr, S., Heyer, A.G., Brümmer, F., Schill, R.O.: Trehalose and Vitreous States: Desiccation Tolerance of Dormant Stages of the Crustaceans Triops and Daphnia. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology: Ecological and Evolutionary Approaches. 84, 147--153 (2011).
- Iftime, D., Hannah, M.A., Peterbauer, T., Heyer, A.G.: Stachyose in the cytosol does not influence freezing tolerance of transgenic Arabidopsis expressing stachyose synthase from adzuki bean. Plant Science. 180, 24--30 (2011).
- Zuther, E., Hoermiller, I.I., Heyer, A.G.: Evidence against sink limitation by the sucrose-to-starch route in potato plants expressing fructosyltransferases. Physiol. Plant. 143, 115--125 (2011).
- Mishra, A., Mishra, K.B., Hoermiller, I.I., Heyer, A.G., Nedbal, L.: Chlorophyll fluorescence emission as a reporter on cold tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. Plant Signaling Behav. 6, 301--310 (2011).
- Wingenter, K., Trentmann, O., Winschuh, I., Hörmiller, I.I., Heyer, A.G., Reinders, J., Schulz, A., Geiger, D., Hedrich, R., Neuhaus, H.E.: A member of the mitogen-activated protein 3-kinase family is involved in the regulation of plant vacuolar glucose uptake. Plant J. 68, 890--900 (2011).
- Knaupp, M., Mishra, K.B., Nedbal, L., Heyer, A.G.: Evidence for a role of raffinose in stabilizing photosystem II during freeze--thaw cycles. Planta. 234, 477--486 (2011).
- Nägele, T., Kandel, B.A., Frana, S., Meissner, M., Heyer, A.G.: A systems biology approach for the analysis of carbohydrate dynamics during acclimation to low temperature in Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS J. 278, 506--518 (2011).
- Henkel, S., Nägele, T., Hörmiller, I., Sauter, T., Sawodny, O., Ederer, M., Heyer, A.G.: A systems biology approach to analyse leaf carbohydrate metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana. EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. 2011, 2 (2011).
- Nägele, T., Henkel, S., Hörmiller, I., Sauter, T., Sawodny, O., Ederer, M., Heyer, A.G.: Mathematical modeling of the central carbohydrate metabolism in Arabidopsis reveals a substantial regulatory influence of vacuolar invertase on whole plant carbon metabolism. Plant Physiol. 153, 260--272 (2010).
- Wingenter, K., Schulz, A., Wormit, A., Wic, S., Trentmann, O., Hoermiller, I.I., Heyer, A.G., Marten, I., Hedrich, R., Neuhaus, H.E.: Increased Activity of the Vacuolar Monosaccharide Transporter TMT1 Alters Cellular Sugar Partitioning, Sugar Signaling, and Seed Yield in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 154, 665--677 (2010).
- Livingston, D.P., Hincha, D.K., Heyer, A.G.: Fructan and its relationship to abiotic stress tolerance in plants. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 66, 2007--2023 (2009).
- Korn, M., Peterek, S., Mock, H.P., Heyer, A.G., Hincha, D.K.: Heterosis in the freezing tolerance, and sugar and flavonoid contents of crosses between Arabidopsis thaliana accessions of widely varying freezing tolerance. Plant Cell Environ. 31, 813--827 (2008).
- Hengherr, S., Heyer, A.G., Kohler, H.R., Schill, R.O.: Trehalose and anhydrobiosis in tardigrades - evidence for divergence in responses to dehydration. FEBS J. 275, 281--288 (2008).
- Hannah, M.A., Kramer, K.M., Geffroy, V., Kopka, J., Blair, M.W., Erban, A., Vallejos, C.E., Heyer, A.G., Sanders, F.E.T., Millner, P.A., Pilbeam, D.J.: Hybrid weakness controlled by the dosage-dependent lethal (DL) gene system in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) is caused by a shoot-derived inhibitory signal leading to salicylic acid-associated root death. New Phytol. 176, 537--549 (2007).
- Hincha, D.K., Livingston, D.P., Premakumar, R., Zuther, E., Obel, N., Cacela, C., Heyer, A.G.: Fructans from oat and rye: Composition and effects on membrane stability during drying. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1768, 1611--1619 (2007).
- Hannah, M.A., Zuther, E., Buchel, K., Heyer, A.G.: Transport and metabolism of raffinose family oligosaccharides in transgenic potato. J. Exp. Bot. 57, 3801--3811 (2006).
- Hannah, M.A., Wiese, D., Freund, S., Fiehn, O., Heyer, A.G., Hincha, D.K.: Natural genetic variation of freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 142, 98--112 (2006).
- Degenkolbe, T., Hannah, M.A., Freund, S., Hincha, D.K., Heyer, A.G., Köhl, K.I.: A quality-controlled microarray method for gene expression profiling. Analytical Biochemistry. 346, 217--224 (2005).
- Hannah, M.A., Heyer, A.G., Hincha, D.K.: A Global Survey of Gene Regulation during Cold Acclimation in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLOS Genetics. 1, (2005).
- Heyer, A.G., Raap, M., Schroeer, B., Marty, B., Willmitzer, L.: Cell wall invertase expression at the apical meristem alters floral, architectural, and reproductive traits in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal. 39, 161–169 (2004).
- Zuther, E., Büchel, K., Hundertmark, M., Stitt, M., Hincha, D.K., Heyer, A.G.: The role of raffinose in the cold acclimation response of Arabidopsis thaliana. FEBS Lett. 576, 169--173 (2004).
- Zuther, E., Kwart, M., Willmitzer, L., Heyer, A.G.: Expression of a yeast-derived invertase in companion cells results in long-distance transport of a trisaccharide in an apoplastic loader and influences sucrose transport. Planta. 218, 759--766 (2004).
- Rohde, P., Hincha, D.K., Heyer, A.G.: Heterosis in the freezing tolerance of crosses between two Arabidopsis thaliana accessions (Columbia-0 and C24) that show differences in non-acclimated and acclimated freezing tolerance. The Plant Journal. 38, 790–799 (2004).
- Clark, G.T., Zuther, E., Outred, H.A., McManus, M.T., Heyer, A.G.: Tissue-specific changes in remobilisation of fructan in the xerophytic tussock species Festuca novae-zelandiae in response to a water deficit. Functional Plant Biology. 31, 377 (2004).
- Klotke, J., Kopka, J., Gatzke, N., Heyer, A.G.: Impact of soluble sugar concentrations on the acquisition of freezing tolerance in accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana with contrasting cold adaptation - evidence for a role of raffinose in cold acclimation. Plant Cell Environ. 27, 1395--1404 (2004).
- Hincha, D.K., Zuther, E., Heyer, A.G.: The preservation of liposomes by raffinose family oligosaccharides during drying is mediated by effects on fusion and lipid phase transitions. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1612, 172--177 (2003).
- Hincha, D.K., Zuther, E., Hellwege, E.M., Heyer, A.G.: Specific effects of fructo- and gluco-oligosaccharides in the preservation of liposomes during drying. Glycobiology. 12, 103--110 (2002).
- Popova, A.V., Heyer, A.G., Hincha, D.K.: Differential destabilization of membranes by tryptophan and phenylalanine during freezing: the roles of lipid composition and membrane fusion. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes. 1561, 109--118 (2002).
- Heyer, A.G., Wendenburg, R.: Gene Cloning and Functional Characterization by Heterologous Expression of the Fructosyltransferase of Aspergillus sydowi IAM 2544. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 67, 363–370 (2001).
- Oliver, A.E., Leprince, O., Wolkers, W.F., Hincha, D.K., Heyer, A.G., Crowe, J.H.: Non-Disaccharide-Based Mechanisms of Protection during Drying. Cryobiology. 43, 151--167 (2001).
- Hellwege, E.M., Czapla, S., Jahnke, A., Willmitzer, L., Heyer, A.G.: Transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers synthesize the full spectrum of inulin molecules naturally occurring in globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus) roots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 97, 8699–8704 (2000).
- Hincha, D.K., Hellwege, E.M., Heyer, A.G., Crowe, J.H.: Plant fructans stabilize phosphatidylcholine liposomes during freeze-drying. European Journal of Biochemistry. 267, 535–540 (2000).
- Wolff, D., Czapla, S., Heyer, A.G., Radosta, S., Mischnick, P., Springer, J.: Globular shape of high molar mass inulin revealed by static light scattering and viscometry. Polymer. 41, 8009--8016 (2000).