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- Dr. Klaus Peter Künkele, PhD Student (LMU Munich)
- Dr. Susanne Heins, Postdoktorandin (LMU Munich)
- Dr. Uwe Ahting, PhD Student (LMU Munich)
- Dr. Simone Schmitt, PhD Student (LMU Munich)
- Dr. Julia Lintzel, Postdoc
- Dr. Simon Stutz, PhD Student
- Dr. Melissa Gräwert, PhD Student
- Dr. Mercedes Romero-Ruiz, PhD Student
- Dr. Frauke Mager, PhD Student
- Dr. Dennis Gessmann, PhD Student
- Dr. Michael Fröhlich, PhD Student (University of Cologne)
- Dr. Stefan Ernst, Postdoc
- Dr. Shuo Wang, PhD Student
Bachelor-, Master- and Diploma Students
- Dennis Gessman, Diploma Student Technical Biology
- Franjo Artucovic, Diploma Student Technical Biology
- Martina Benz, Research project Technical Biology
- Tobias Kulschewski, Research project Technical Biology
- Andreas Fulterer, Research project Technical Biology (extern)
- Silvia Lorenz, Research project Technical Biology
- Sara Weirich, Research project Technical Biology
- Andrea Schlösinger, Research project Technical Biology
- Thomas Christott, Diploma Student Technical Biology
- Peter Stepper, Bachelor thesis Technical Biology
- Irene Henning, Bachelor thesis Technical Biology (extern)
- Sebastian Wagner, Research project Technical Biology
- Irene Henning , Masterarbeit Technical Biology (extern)
- Lukas Findeisen, Bachelor thesis Biomedical Engineering
- Philipp Matten, Bachelor thesis Biomedical Engineering
- Julia Chen, Bachelor thesis Biomedical Engineering
- Christina Gress, Bachelorarbeit Technical Biology
- Janine Mutschler, Research project Biomedical Engineering*
- Alexander Anton, Master thesis Biomedical Engineering
- Lukas Findeisen, Research project Biomedical Engineering
- Gabriel Alexander, Bachelor thesis Technical Biology
- Simon Blümle, Bachelor thesis Technical Biology
- Melisa Yalcin, Bachelor thesis Biomedical Engineering
- Marcel Dieterle, Bachelor thesis Technical Biology
- Laura Buchmann, Research project Biomedical Engineering
- Ubeydullah Beykoz, Bachelor thesis Technical Biology
- Ida Sezer, Bachelor thesis Technical Biology
- Michael Polonski, Bachelor thesis Technical Biology
Technical Assistants
- Ute Staudinger, Technical Assistant (LMU)
- Sonja Mueller, Lab Assistant
- Lorena Hein, Lab Assistant
International Exchange Students
- Manami Oya, IAESTE Student
- Jan Pencik, IAESTE Student
- Margarida Dias Rodrigues, IAESTE Student
- Aki Shunsuke, IAESTE Student
- Juan Carlos De La Concepcion Rromero, IAESTE Student
- Mariana Carvadas, IAESTE Student
- Ding Jin, IAESTE Student
- Busra Elbir, IAESTE Student
- Krystyna Dudaniec, IAESTE Student
- Jan Capek, IAESTE Student
- Vitaly Zenchenko, IAESTE Student
- Jessielly Silva de Oliveira, IAESTE Student
- Chutamath Sittplangkoon, IAESTE Student
- Sanja Vouri, IAESTE Student
- Anna Bolla, IAESTE Student
- Anja Verdev, IAESTE Student
- Paulina Przychodzen, ERASMUS+ Student / PhD
- Ali Shademani, IAESTE Student / PhD
- Susana Tracana, IAESTE Student
- Baris Ballik, ERASMUS+ Student
- Li Zizhao, IAESTE Student
- Sherihane Aryeetey, IAESTE Student
- Marija Bartolic, IAESTE Student
- Adrian Bernabe Ingles, IAESTE Student
- Anita Travancic, IAESTE Student
- Esinam Samlafo-Adams, IAESTE Student
- Napakarn Thussakorn, IAESTE Student
- Natsuki Kaku, IAESTE Student
- Timon Kalchmayr, IAESTE Student
- Yuriko Hori, IAESTE Student
- Maame Afia Ayaah Boahene, IAESTE Student
- Ümay Aslan, ERASMUS+ Student
Colloquium on the occasion of Dieter Hülser's farewell
- HÜLSER, D.F. & RAJEWSKY, M.F. Characteristics of Three Nuclear Emulsions for Autoradiography at the Electron Microscope. Biophysik 3 (1966) 123 - 130
- HÜLSER, D.F. & RAJEWSKY, M.F. Investigations of Different Types of AgBr-Layers for Use in Electron Microscope Autoradiography. In: Proceedings IV. International Conference on Corpuscular Photography (Florenz), p. 219 - 225 Ed.: M. DELLA CORTE. Edizione C.E.P.I., Rom 1966
- REUSS, K., PLESCHER, C., HÜLSER, D.F. & HERZBERG, K. Morphologische Befunde an fixierten und unfixierten Influenzavirus-Elementarkörperchen. Zblt. Bkt. I Orig. 203 (1967) 47 - 58
- REUSS, K., PLESCHER, C., HÜLSER, D.F. & HERZBERG, K. Morphologische Befunde an fixierten und unfixierten Mykoplasmen. Zblt. Bakt. I Orig. 203 (1967) 121 - 136
- HÜLSER, D.F. Elektronenmikroskopischer Nachweis von Umsatzorten reduzierender Enzyme in Bakterien durch Methylenblau-Silber (Argochrom). In: Sammelband der Gemeinsamen Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für
Biophysik und der österreichischen Gesellschaft für reine und angewandte Biophysik, Baden (1968) 27 - 30 - HÜLSER, D.F. & RAJEWSKY, M.F. Autoradiography with the Electron Microscope: Properties of Photographic
Emulsions. In: Methods in Cell Physiology III, p. 293 - 306 Ed.: D.M. PRESCOTT. Acad. Press, New York 1968 - MAY, G., KNOTHE, H., HÜLSER, D.F. & HERZBERG, K. Elektronenmikroskopische Befunde bei einer Affenseuche (Cercopithecus aethiops). Zblt. Bakt. I Orig. 207 (1968) 145 - 151
- HÜLSER, D.F. Elektronenmikroskopische Darstellung von Umsatzorten reduzierender Enzyme in Bakterien durch Methylenblau-Silber (Argochrom). Biophysik 5 (1968) 165 - 182
- HÜLSER, D.F. & RAJEWSKY, M.F. Elektronenmikroskopische Autoradiogramme: Unterschiedliche Empfindlichkeit von Photoemulsionen gegenüber Tritium. Naturforsch. 26 b (1971) 125 - 128
- HÜLSER, D.F. Elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen an Säugerzellkulturen: Der Einfluß von Bicarbonat und pH auf das Membranpotential. Pflügers Arch. 325 (1971) 174 - 187
- RAJEWSKY, M.F., FABRICIUS, E. & HÜLSER, D.F. Synchronisation in vivo: Temporary Inhibition of DNA Synthesis in the Rat Embryo with Hydroxy Urea. Exptl. Cell Res. 66 (1971) 489 - 492
- HÜLSER, D.F. & FRANK, W. Stimulierung von Kulturen embryonaler Rattenzellen durch eine Proteinfraktion aus
foetalem Kälberserum. Naturforsch. 26 b (1971) 1045 - 1048 - HÜLSER, D.F. & PETERS, J.H. Intercellular Communication in Phytohemagglutinin-Induced Lymphocyte
Agglutinates. Europ. J. Immunol. 1 (1971) 494 - 495 - RAJEWSKY, M.F., HÜLSER, D.F. & FABRICIUS, E. Untersuchungen zur Synchronisation in vivo: Temporäre Inhibition der DNASynthese durch Hydroxyharnstoff in normalen und malignen Säugerzellsystemen. Krebsforsch. 76 (1971) 266 - 292
- HÜLSER, D.F. & PETERS, J.H. Contact Co-operation in Stimulated Lymphocytes. II. Electrophysiological
Investigations on Intercellular Communication. Exptl. Cell Res. 74 (1972) 319 - 326 - HÜLSER, D.F. & WEBB, D.J. Relation Between Ionic Coupling and Morphology of Established Cells in Culture.
Exptl. Cell Res. 80 (1973) 210 - 222 - HÜLSER, D.F. & WEBB, D.J.
The Use of the Tip Potential of Glass Microelectrodes in the Determination of Low
Cell Membrane Potentials. Biophysik 10 (1973) 273 - 280 - HÜLSER, D.F. & DEMSEY, A. Gap and Low-Resistance Junctions Between Cells in Culture.
Naturforsch. 28 c (1973) 603 - 606 - HÜLSER, D.F., RISTOW, H.J., WEBB, D., PACHOWSKY, H. & FRANK, W. Fibroblastoid and Epithelioid Cells in Tissue Culture: Differences in Sensitivity to Ouabain and on Phospholipid Composition. Biochim. et Biophys. Acta 372 (1974) 85 - 99
- HÜLSER, D.F. Ionic Coupling Between Non-Excitable Cells in Culture. In: Methods in Cell Biology VIII, p. 289 - 317
Ed.: D.M. PRESCOTT. Academic Press, New York 1974 - GERISCH, G., MALCHOW, D., HUESGEN, A., NANJUNDIAH, V., ROOS, W., WICK, U. & HÜLSER, D.F. Cyclic-AMP Reception and Cell Recognition in Dictyostelium Discoideum. In: Developmental Biology: Pattern Formation, Gene Regulation, p. 76 - 88 Eds.: D.M. MAHON, C.F. FOX. W.A. Benjamin, Inc., Menlo Park, Calif. 1975
- GERISCH, G., HÜLSER, D.F., MALCHOW, D. & WICK, U. Cell Communication by Periodic Cyclic-AMP Pulses.
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B. 272 (1975) 181 - 192 - RAJEWSKY, M.F., GOTH, R., LAERUM, O.D., BIESSMANN, H. & HÜLSER, D.F. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms in Nervous Systemspecific Carcinogenesis by NEthyl-N-nitrosourea. In: Fundamentals in cancer prevention, p. 313 - 334, Eds.: P.N. MAGEE et al. Univ.of Tokyo Press, Tokyo and Univ. Park Press, Baltimore 1976
- HÜLSER, D.F. Membrane Properties of Cultured Cells. studia biophysica 56 (1976) 3 - 4
- LAERUM, O.D., HÜLSER, D.F. & RAJEWSKY, M.F. Electrophysiological Properties of Ethylnitrosourea-induced, Neoplastic Neurogenic Rat Cell Lines Cultured in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Res. 36 (1976) 2153 - 2161
HÜLSER, D.F., LAERUM, O.D. & LOMAKIN, L.Ya. Nervous-system-specific Carcinogenesis by Ethylnitrosourea in the Rat: Molecular and Cellular Aspects. In: Origins of Human Cancer, p. 709 - 726, Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory, 1977 - KRÄHLING, H., SCHINKEWITZ, U., BARKER, A. & HÜLSER, D.F. Electronmicroscopical and Electrophysiological Investigations on Polyethylene Glycol Induced Cell Fusion. Cytobiol. 17 (1978) 51 - 61
- HÜLSER. D.F. Onset of Ionic Coupling Between Polyethylene Glycol Induced Fusions of Mammalian Cultured Cells. studia biophysica 74 (1978) 39 3, 25 - 35
- DERTINGER, H., HÜLSER, D.F. & HINZ, G. Survival and Chromosome Injury of Spheroid Cells After Irradiation.
studia biophysica 76 (1979) 31 - 32 - DERTINGER, H. & HÜLSER, D.F. Increased Radioresistance of Cells in Cultured Multicell Spheroids.
Dependance on Cellular Interaction. Radiat. Environ. Biophys. 19 (1981) 101 - 107 - HÜLSER, D.F. & SCHATTEN, G. Bioelectric Responses at Fertilisation: Separation of the Events Associated with Insemination from Those due to the Cortical Reaction in Sea Urchin, Lytechinus
variegatus. Gamete Res. 5 (1982) 363 - 377 - BRÜMMER, F. & HÜLSER, D.F. Gap Junctions in Multicell Spheroids. Magazine for Electron Microscopists 1 (1982) 34 - 38
- HÜLSER, D.F. & LAUTERWASSER, U. Membrane Potential Oscillation in Homokaryons: An Endogenous Signal for Detecting Intercellular Communication. Exp. Cell Res. 139 (1982) 63 - 70
- HÜLSER, D.F. Electrical Characterisation of Gap Junction Formation. studia biophysica 90 (1982) 197 - 198
- HÜLSER, D.F. Introduction. Symposium on Intercellular Communication.
Stuttgart 1982, Biophys. Struct. Mech. 9 (1982) 73 - 74 - HÜLSER, D.F. & BRÜMMER, F. Closing and Opening of Gap Junction Pores Between Two- and Threedimensionally
Cultured Tumor Cells. Biophys. Struct. Mech. 9 (1982) 83 - 88 - WILLECKE, K., MÜLLER, D., DRÜGE, P.M., FRIXEN, U., SCHÄFER, R., DERMIETZEL, R. & HÜLSER, D.F.
Isolation and Characterization of Chinese Hamster Cells Defective in Cell-cell Coupling via Gap Junctions.
Exp. Cell Res. 144 (1983) 95 - 113 - SCHATTEN, G. & HÜLSER, D.F. Timing the Early Events during Sea Urchin Fertilisation.
Dev. Biol. 100 (1983) 244 - 248 BRÄUNER, T., HÜLSER, D.F. & STRASSER, R.J. Comparative Measurements of Membrane Potentials with Microelectrodes and Voltage-Sensitive Dyes.
Biochim. et Biophys. Acta 771 (1984) 208 - 216 - DERTINGER, H. & HÜLSER, D.F. Intercellular Communication in Spheroids. In: Recent Results in Cancer Research 95, p. 67 - 83 Spheroids in Cancer Research. Methods and Perspectives. Eds.: H. ACKER, J. CARLSON, R. DURAND, R.M. SUTHERLAND Springer Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg 1984
- HÜLSER, D.F. Interzelluläre Kommunikation. Universitas 39 (1984) 897 - 902
- GERISCH, G., TSIOMENKO, A., STADLER, J., CLAVIEZ, M., HÜLSER, D.F. & ROSSIER, C. Transduction of Chemical Signals in Dyctyostelium Cells. In: Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Vol. 164, p. 237 - 247, Eds.: C.L.
BOLIS, E.J.M. HELMREICH, H. PASSOW, Alan R. Liss, Inc. New York 1984 - MÜLLER, A., BLANZ, W.E., LAUB, G. & HÜLSER, D.F. Pattern Analysis of Gap Junction Plaques with Open and Closed Pores. studia biophysica 110 (1985) 185 - 192
- HÜLSER, D.F., BRÄUNER, T. & BRÜMMER, F. Interzelluläre Kommunikation in dreidimensional wachsenden Multizell-Sphäroiden. Ein Zellkulturmodell zur Verringerung von Tierversuchen. In: Ersatzmethoden zum Tierversuch, p. 103 - 124 Herausgeber: Bundesmin. Forschung und Technologie 1986
- HÜLSER, D.F., BRÜMMER, F. & BRÄUNER, T. Eine Million Zellen auf der Suche nach Kontakt.
"forschung" - Mitteilungen der DFG, Heft 3/86 (1986) 19 - 21 - HÜLSER, D.F., INST. WISS. FILM Interzelluläre Kommunikation über Gap junctions. Film C 1624 des IWF, Göttingen 1987
- HÜLSER, D.F. Interzelluläre Kommunikation über Gap junctions. Publ. Wiss. Film, Sekt. Med., Ser. 7, Nr. 2/C 1624 (1987) 12 S.
- HÜLSER, D.F., BRÜMMER, F. & BRÄUNER, T. A Million Cells in Search for Contact. german research Reports of the DFG 1 (1987) 19 - 21
- WINTERHAGER, E., BRÜMMER, F., DERMIETZEL, R.,HÜLSER, D.F. & DENKER, H.-W. Gap Junction Formation in Rabbit Uterine Epithelium in Response to Embryo Recognition. Developmental Biology 126 (1988) 203 - 211
- HÜLSER, D.F., BRÜMMER, F., BRENNER, J., BRÄUNER, T. &NESPER, M. Zell- und Gewebsveränderungen durch eine Sto8wellenbehandlung. Biomedizinische Technik Band 33, Ergänzungsband 2 (1988) 7 - 10
- BRÄUNER, T., BRÜMMER, F. & HÜLSER, D.F. Einwirkung von Stoßwellen auf tierische Zellkulturen. Lichtund
elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen. Biomedizinische Technik Band 33, Ergänzungsband 2 (1988) 35 - BRÜMMER, F., BRENNER, J.,BRÄUNER, T., NESPER, M. & HÜLSER, D.F. Einwirkung von Stoßwellen auf tierische Zellkulturen. Durchflußzytometrische Untersuchungen physiologischer Parameter. Biomedizinische Technik Band 33, Ergänzungsband 2 (1988) 36
- BRÄUNER, T. & HÜLSER, D.F. Zellkommunikation und Tumorinvasion in der Petrischale. In: Alternativen zu Tierexperimenten 9, p. 4 - 17 Stiftung Fonds für versuchstierfreie Forschung FFVFF, Zürich 1988
- BRÜMMER, F., BRENNER, J., BRÄUNER, T. & HÜLSER, D.F. Effect of Shock Waves on Suspended and Immobilized L1210 Cells. Ultrasound in Med. & Biol. 15 (1989) 229 - 239
- JÄHDE, E., GLÜSENKAMP, K.-H., KLÜNDER, I., HÜLSER, D.F., TIETZE, L.-F. & RAJEWSKY, M.F. Hydrogen Ion-mediated Enhancement of Cytotoxicity of Bis-Chloroethylating Drugs in Rat Mammary Carcinoma Cells in vitro.
Cancer Res. 49 (1989) 2965 - 2972 - RIEDLINGER, R.E., BRÜMMER, F. & HÜLSER, D.F. Pulsed High-Power-Insonification of Concrements, Cancer Cells and Rodent-Tumors in vivo. In: Ultrasonics International 89, p. 305 - 312 Butterworth & Co., Guildford/UK 1989
- HÜLSER, D. F. Role played by Gap Junctions in Cell-Cell Communication. In: Advanced Research on Animal Cell Technology, p 25 – 37 Ed. A.O.A. MILLER Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London 1989
- BRÜMMER, F., STAUDENRAUS, J., NESPER, M., SUHR, D., EISENMENGER, W. & HÜLSER, D.F. Biological Effects and Physical Characterization of Shock Waves Generated by an XL-1 Experimental Lithotripter. In: Ultrasonics International 89, p. 1130 - 1135 Butterworth & Co., Guildford/UK 1989
- TRAUB, O., LOOK, J., DERMIETZEL, R., BRÜMMER, F., HÜLSER, D.F. & WILLECKE, K. Comparative Characterization of the 21-kD and 26-kD Gap Junction Proteins in Murine Liver and Cultured Hepatocytes. Cell Biol. 108 (1989) 1039 – 1051
- HÜLSER, D.F., PASCHKE, D. & GREULE, J. Gap Junctions: Correlated Electrophysiological Recordings and Ultrastructural Analysis by Fast Freezing and Freeze-Fracturing. In : Electron Microscopy of Subcellular Dynamics, p. 33 - 49 Ed.: H. PLATTNER, CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Fl. 1989
- BRÄUNER, T., BRÜMMER, F. & HÜLSER, D.F. Histopathology of Shock Wave Treated Tumor Cell Suspensions and Multicell Tumor Spheroids. Ultrasound in Med. & Biol. 15 (1989) 451 - 460
- HÜLSER, D.F., KLÜNDER, I. & BRENNER, J. Bioproduktion in dreidimensional wachsenden Zellkulturen. Bio Engineering 6 (1989) 118 - 119
- BRÄUNER, T., SCHMID, A. & HÜLSER, D.F. Tumor Cell Invasion and Gap Junctional Communication: Part 1 Normal and Malignant Cells Confronted in Monolayer Cultures. Invasion Metastasis 10 (1990) 18 - 30
- BRÄUNER, T. & HÜLSER, D.F. Tumor Cell Invasion and Gap Junctional Communication: Part 2 Normal and Malignant Cells Confronted in Multicell Spheroids. Invasion Metastasis 10 (1990) 31 - 48
- BRÜMMER, F., BRÄUNER, T. & HÜLSER, D.F Biological Effects of Shock Waves. World J. Urol. 8 (1990) 224 - 232
- HÜLSER, D.F., PASCHKE, D., BRÜMMER, F. & ECKERT, R. Characterization of Gap Junctions by Electrophysiological and Electronmicroscopical Methods. In: Biophysics of Membrane Transport, p. 147 - 162 Eds.: J. KUCZERA, S. PRZESTALSKI Publishing Department of the Agricultural University, Wroclaw 1990
- GRIEGEL, S., HONG, C., FRÖTSCHL, R., HÜLSER, D.F., GREGER, V., HORSTHEMKE, B. & RAJEWSKY, M.F. Newly Established Human Retinoblastoma Cell Lines Exhibit an "Immortalized" but not an Invasive Phenotype in vitro. Int. J. Cancer 46 (1990) 125 - 132
- BRÜMMER, F., SUHR, D. & HÜLSER, D.F. Standardisierte in-vitro-Modelle zur Charakterisierung von Sto8wellen. Biomedizinische Technik 35, Ergänzungsband 3 (1990) 237 - 238
- BRÜMMER, F., ZEMPEL, G., BÜHLE, P., STEIN, J.-C. & HÜLSER, D.F. Retinoic Acid Modulates Gap Junctional Permeability: a Comparative Study of Dye Spreading and Ionic Coupling in Cultured Cells. Exp. Cell Res. 196 (1991) 158 – 163
- MARTIN, W., ZEMPEL, G., HÜLSER, D.F. & WILLECKE, K. Growth Inhibition of Oncogene Transformed Rat Fibroblasts by Cocultured Normal Cells: Relevance of Metabolic Co-operation Mediated by Gap Junctions. Cancer Research 51 (1991) 5348 - 5354
- SUHR, D., BRÜMMER, F. & HÜLSER, D.F Cavitation-generated Free Radicals During Shock Wave Exposure: Investigations with Cell-free Solutions and Suspended Cells. Ultrasound in Med. & Biol. 17 (1991) 761 - 768
- BRENNER, J. & HÜLSER, D.F. A Rapid Method for the Determination of Absolute Particle Sizes in a Flow
Cytometer. In: Physical Characterisation of Biological Cells, p. 131 - 146 Eds.: W. Schütt, H. KLINKMANN, I. LAMPRECHT, T. WILSON Verlag Gesundheit GmbH, Berlin 1991 - ECKERT, R., PASCHKE, D. & HÜLSER, D.F. Patch Clamp Techniques for the Characterization of Membrane Channels.
In: Physical Characterisation of Biological Cells, p. 353 - 379 Eds.: W. Schütt, H. KLINKMANN, I. LAMPRECHT, T. WILSON Verlag Gesundheit GmbH, Berlin 1991 - BRENNER, J., ZEMPEL, G. & HÜLSER, D.F. Production of Tissue Plasminogen Activator (t-PA) with Differentiated F9 Embryonic Carcinoma Cells Grown as Multicellular Spheroids. In: Biochemical Engineering, p. 220 - 223
Eds.: M. REUSS, H. CHMIEL, E.-D. GILLES, H.-J. KNACKMUSS Fischer Verlag Stuttgart - New York 1991 - KLÜNDER, I. & HÜLSER, D.F. ß-Galactosidase Production in Two- and Three-Dimensionally Cultivated Cell Cultures. In: Biochemical Engineering, p. 224 - 227 Eds.: M. REUSS, H. CHMIEL, E.-D. GILLES, H.-J. KNACKMUSS Fischer Verlag Stuttgart - New York 1991
- HÜLSER, D.F. Intercellular Communication in Three-Dimensional Culture. In: Spheroid Culture in Cancer Research, Chapter 9, p. 165 - 190 Ed.: R. BJERKVIG, CRC Press Boca Raton 1991
- SUHR, D., BRÜMMER, F. & HÜLSER, D.F. Are Biological Effects of Shock Waves Caused by Free Radicals? In: Ultrasonics International 91 Conference Proceedings, p. 57 - 60 Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford/UK 1991
- BRÄUNER, T., BRÜMMER, F., HÜLSER, D.F. & RASSWEILER, J. Biological Effects of Shock Waves. In: Stone Therapy in Urology, p. 50 - 63 Eds.: F. EISENBERGER, K. MILLER, J. RASSWEILER Georg Thieme Verlag, New York, Stuttgart 1991
- PASCHKE, D., ECKERT, R. & HÜLSER, D.F. High Resolution Measurements of Gap Junctional Conductance During Perfusion with Anti-Connexin Antibodies in Pairs of Cultured Mammalian Cells. Pflügers Archiv - Eur. J. Physiol. 420 (1992) 87 - 93
- BRÜMMER, F., SUHR, D. & HÜLSER, D.F. Sensitivity of Normal and Malignant Cells to Shock Waves. Stone Dis. 4 (1992) 243 – 248.
- MEYER, H.W. & HÜLSER, D.F. Extraordinary Biological Membrane Structures Resulting from Different Local
Membrane Curvatures. International Symposium: Natural Structures - Principles, Strategies and Models in
Architecture and Nature, p. 23 - 29 Ed.: Vorstand des Sonderforschungsbereiches 230, Heft 8, Stuttgart 1992 - HÜLSER, D.F., ECKERT, R., ZEMPEL, G., PASCHKE, D. & DUNINABARKOVSKAYA,
A. Patch-Clamp Measurements of Gap-Junction Channels in Cultured Cells. In: Biophysics of Membrane Transport, p. 243 - 271 Eds.: J. KUCZERA, S. PRZESTALSKI Publishing Department of the Agricultural University, Wroclaw 1992 - KLÜNDER, I. & HÜLSER, D.F. ß-Galactosidase Activity in Transfected Ltk- Cells is Differentially Regulated in Monolayer and Spheroid Cultures.
Exp. Cell Res. 207 (1993) 155 - 162 - ECKERT, R., DUNINA-BARKOVSKAYA, A. & HÜLSER, D.F. Biophysical characterization of gap-junction channels in HeLa cells. In: Pflügers Arch. - Eur. J. Physiol. 424 (1993) 335 - 342
- BRÜMMER, F., SUHR, D., IRMER, U. & HÜLSER, D.F. Biologische Effekte von Stoßwellen in vitro. Z urologie poster 3, 28 - 30, 1993
- SUHR, D., BRÜMMER, F., IRMER, U., SCHLACHTER, M. & HÜLSER, D.F. Shock Waves und Free Radicals: Cell Protection by Vitamin E in vitro and ex vivo. In: Ultrasonics International 93, p. 615 - 618
Butterworth & Co., Guildford/UK 1993 - BRÜMMER, F., SUHR, D., IRMER, U., BACHLEITNER, Ch. & HÜLSER, D.F. Biophysical investigations of the in vitro effects of shock waves and ultrasound. In: Proceedings, Second European Conference on Engineering and Medicine,129 - 130. Eds.: J.E.W. Beneken and U.R. Faust, Elsevier, Amsterdam/NL 1993
- HÜLSER, D.F., ZEMPEL, G., REUSS, B., SUHR, D., SHARKOVSKAJA, Yu.Yu., MURAVJOVA, O., DUNINA-BARKOVSKAJA, A. & MARGOLIS, L.B. Arachidonic Acid Reversibly Reduces Intercellular Junction Permeability.
Biologichieskie Membrany 11 (1994) 50 - 61 - TRAUB, O., ECKERT, R., LICHTENBERG-FRATÉ, H., ELFGANG, C., BASTIDE, B., SCHEIDTMANN, K.H., HÜLSER, D. & WILLECKE, K. Immunochemical and electrophysiological characterization of murine connexin 40 and -43 in mouse tissues and transfected human cells. Eur. J. Cell Biol. 64 (1994) 101 - 112
- SUHR, D., BRÜMMER, F., IRMER, U. SCHLACHTER, M. & HÜLSER, D.F. Reduced cavitation-induced cellular damage by the antioxidative effect of vitamin E. Ultrasonics 32 (1994) 301 – 307
- GRELL, M., ZIMMERMANN, G., HÜLSER, D., PFITZENMAIER, K. & SCHEURICH, P. TNF Receptors TR60 and TR80 Can Mediate Apoptosis Via Induction of Distinct Signal Pathways. The Journal of Immunology 153 (1994) 1963 – 1972
- ELFGANG, C., ECKERT, R., LICHTENBERG-FRATI, H., BUTTERWECK, A., TRAUB, O., KLEIN, R. A., HÜLSER, D. F. & WILLECKE, K. Specific Permeability and Selective Formation of Gap Junction Channels in Connexin-transfected HeLa Cells. Cell Biol. 129 (1995) 805 – 817
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